Our Promise
“Hiring the wrong people is the fastest way to undermine a sustainable business”
ZKTalent will introduce you to high-quality talent, which matches the culture and needs of your organisation.
We focus on 6 key areas:
01. Define the Need
We will schedule a briefing call to establish the following: The key requirements for the role, the reasons behind why you think you need to hire someone and an understanding of the business problem which needs to be solved. Once we are aligned, we will begin to prepare an appropriate job description and market- relevant title.
02. Design an Assessment
We will use your needs and the business problem you are solving and translate them into a set of core competencies and skills which the ideal candidate will need to possess. Then, we will create interview questions which are designed to test these attributes.
03. Go-To-Market
Our go-to-market strategy involves attracting people by putting your brand at the forefront of our search, and promoting what the role has to offer, as opposed to the value of being in our “network.” We will create a list of all the companies that have overcome similar problems and identify the individuals who solved them.
04. Interview
We ensure the provision of 10-12 candidates that we have prescreened and recommended. After further interviews from your internal team, 5-6 candidates will be advised for the final stage. Then we will help select a preferred hire and a backup.
05. Recalibrate
If we’re not achieving results within three weeks from our go-to-market date, we will recalibrate the search. Combining the data we have gathered on the market and candidates you’ve met (interview pass rates, reasons for rejection/withdrawal), we will find patterns, diagnose and move forward with a new strategy.
06. Close
Once we have selected a candidate, we will close. Using the information provided by the candidate and our knowledge of the evolving blockchain & web3 market, we will propose a strategy and action plan to ensure we hire your preferred candidate at a rate which is cost-effective yet incentivising for the candidate.
Let's talk.
We welcome you to contact us for more information about any of our vacancies or services.